Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Roses ~ Life Chose Us

          Image: Asif Khan

ROSES ~ Life Chose Us

When Chloris decided to blow life into us, little did we percieve,

Symbols of heaven and  harmony, the grace we would receive.

Dreamy eyes brimming with love as we pandiculated,

Bloomed our way out cheerfully,  green buds gently dilated.

In shades of red, white, yellow, pink velvety, glossy petals,

Sat in comfort, ensconsed in the rough lap of sepals.

Aphrodite unveiled our Rosales beauty in the cold clime,

Drank dew drops as Dionysus added nectar for the first time.

Zephyrus blew clouds away, stroking our cheeks to blush,

Bathing us in his aureate rays, Apollo too happened to gush.

Safe amidst fresh green leaves that stood serrated in guard,

Basking in warmth and glory.. fetched in by The  Bard.

But hark! thick, ugly, stunted thorns, us.. do they define,

Given a choice, them would we refine.

Mornings we charm one and all carpetting the lawn,

Frost, wind in cahoots, did it to us at dawn.

Days go merrily in garden alongwith other assortment of flowers,

Pulsating rhapsody ensues as we drench under monsoon showers.

Truth unfolds alongwith our whorls, life has a mission too,

Friendly gardner on his visits,   chooses to pluck some of us few.

Offered in worship, wafting incense blows us into a trance,

Symbolise marriage strung on Jaimala, exchanged with a shy glance.

Once the pride of nation as Nehru held us close to his heart,

Deeply pained when strewn on  path, to let a loved one depart.

Sometimes end up in gulkand only to be rolled into paan,

Other times spas prefer to add us to their snaan.

Single rose or in hundreds, beaus use us to propose,

Accompanying us always are a few lines, poetry or prose.

Tossed into bouquets carrying messages, enjoy playing a peaceful pacifier,

When we fail.. end up on martyr's wreath, lowered alongwith into pyre.

© Gomathi Mohan

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