Friday, October 26, 2018

Review of the Novella

Author:  Dr. Santosh Bakaya,
Publisher: Authorspress
pp:  147
ISBN: 978-93-87651-49-4

(Educationist, Writer, Poet, Author of Ballads of Bapu, The Apple Bough, Where are the Lilacs, Flight from my Terrace)

When prose is painted on a canvas by dipping the brush in a pot full of lyrical poesy- A Skyfull of Balloons is born.

The symbolic title and the book cover capture the effervescent spirit of this bubbling novella. Buoyant, characters take us aloft to float in the sky and hover for a while, frolicking in romance before touching down. It has many a twist and a turn but only after cruising the reader safely on a saga of romance, joyful moments, pranks and banter, not necessarily between the young protagonists but also between the father and daughter duo who share an envious rapport.

Scenic with Kashmir's paradise as the backdrop, this A Skyfull of Balloons opens with a grim suspense and then pirouettes  and glissades holding the attention, not letting one put it down till the last line.

The Dhars and the Rainas come along as wonderful parents  indulging their offsprings from the sidelines, providing all the support to their children's joyful celebration of life,  two young souls so much in love with Literature, with shikara ride, with theatrics, with painting, with people, with blue eyes, with birds and geese, with nature in abundance around, with Pahalgam, with Lake Nageen, with Lidder river and with dimples and above all, so much in love with each other!

The intricately etched characters come out refreshing, brushing us with their exhuberance for life and the world around. Minute  observations woven meticulously make the scenes flit in front of the eyes as one reads page after page, the emotions pulling one right into its vortex. Newer elements get introduced foiling the intrigue,  thwarting any chance for ennui to creep in.

Painting of the storm-tossed shikara makes one desperate to take a sneek peak at the masterpiece, if only for the eloquently scripted scene where one gets tossed and turned, drenched by the squall.

This beautiful novella celebrates romance, nature, literature, family ties, parental love, art, music and the list goes on.  All that encompasses in comfortable, healthy, educated family households especially when they reside in Kashmir.

For the gourmets, delectable spread with Kashmiri cuisine is a definite tickle on the taste buds of readers. Telvours with kehwa is on the list.

Gifted with resplendent vocabulary (nimiety was a revelation! ) author just glides along making us waltz to Frank  Sinatra, listen star struck to John Lennon, ponder at the all time favourite scene of Dead Poet's Society, an inspiring Robin Williams standing on the classroom table..   Why even nursery rhymes to Shakespeare's theatre to Kashmiri songs to Hindi melodies. "Dil dhoondtha hai.." sounds more haunting here than in Mausam.
The book is full of  marvellously penned lines that makes one re read for their sheer ingenuity. Quoting a few here.. (for more, read the book!)
"Pahalgam was a piece of paradise.. the red and yellow of the wonderful flowers, what else could the trees do, but turn green with envy?"

" The Lidder roared in approval, the wind whistled lustily. Soon night fell and there was brightness all around..."

" The Pine tree nearest to the cottage, unable to restraint its curiosity, leaned closer to the cottage.. tried to evesdrop, but probably ashamed of its leanings, straightened up. "

Motifs of rich literary references woven tight into the narrative, celebrating all that we grew up reading, add up to the rich literary quotient and am sure will resonate with lovers of English language for a long time.

This novella is as beautiful as the book cover it is draped in. Authorspress does it all the time, offering many a good book to hold on to , both to the writer and the reader. One memorable read at a go. making it a compulsive buy. Maybe a sequel will satiate the die hard reader in us!